Cranks but won't fire
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Author:  Waste Pro [ Wed Jul 04, 2007 2:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Cranks but won't fire

Looking for some suggestion on where to begin troubleshooting this issue. My 15,000 mile CE was running fine. But intermittently it will just crank and never fire. I originallly thought it was the alarm, but have ruled that out. Just yesterday it ran like I drove it off the showroom floor.

This problem has happened in the past and I would just disconnect the battery and maybe by coincide it would correct the problem, but not this time.

Fuel Pump Relay?

Any suggestions before I flatbed it in to get scanned?

Author:  Desertdawg [ Wed Jul 04, 2007 8:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

You have to see oil pressure before it will allow fire to the plugs, your oil pressure switch could be bad.
I would also suggest registering on the Crossfire forum for plenty of help by some great people.

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